Health, Wealth, Peace and Happiness

The Purpose of human life is not just to born & die. But to understand and attain the Moksha - Liberation from the cycle of birth and death by surrendering to Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

Spiritually is the only solution to get rid to all sufferings and to receive Sri Krishna's all divine blessings.

RAJA YOGA MISSION is constituted for the purpose of elevating human consciousness through the teachings, processes, prayers and worship of Swami Rajananda. The Foundation undertakes non-profit, charitable, spiritual, religious and social activities

Our Beloved Founders


Founder & Trustee

Our founder Swami Rajananda disciple of Swami Vivekananda and had taken Diksha from Swami Ranganathananda Maharaj. Had practiced Raja Yoga for over 25years and had synthesised the essence of yoga into Eight Principles that could be easily incorporated into daily life. These comprise the core teachings of the four paths of classical, traditional yoga and make the wisdom of the ancient sages easily accessible to beginner and the more experienced alike.


God Realisation Ways

Karma Yoga – The yoga of action and selfless service

Bhakti Yoga – The yoga of devotion

Raja Yoga – The yoga of meditation

Jnana Yoga – The yoga of will and intellect

The Raja Yogi’s community is diverse and attracts people from all walks of life Globally. The Benefits of the Trust are open to public in India irrespective of religion, caste, race, colour, creed, language, sex etc.

Work as worship, potential divinity of the soul, and harmony of religions are three of the noteworthy ideals on which Trust is based and to spread Arogyam-Health, Aishwaryam-Wealth, Anandam- Happiness.

Know More About Our Trust

Raja Yoga Mission seeks to fulfill following objectives

Spiritual & Religious Activities

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